Feel better. Move better. Be better.

Book an in-person appointment in north london N8 or online video call with me to find out how..

We  address your aches and pains, injuries, tiredness, stiffness and limited mobility with sports therapy techniques as used by professional athletes. I specialise in sports therapeutic deep tissue massage treatments that are guaranteed to unlock long held tension and tightness that are causing you discomfort and unease in your body. You’ll feel incredible after the session, like many before.

These tensions can have just a physical cause, but also a mental and emotional component. I am well equipped and experienced to guide you through any appropriate talk therapy to move through anything that may come up during the session.

During the consultation, we will take into account any nutritional and lifestyle adjustments and/or remedial exercise that could be made to improve the issue.

I have a plethora of health and wellbeing promoting techniques in my arsenal including specific yoga and meditation practices that can be included in your ongoing program.

With over 25 years of hands-on experience as well as physiotherapy, sports therapy and complimentary training under my belt, you’ll find your sessions highly effective, safe and enriching. You’ll wonder what you’ve been missing out on. These are  ‘you’ specific treatments based on finely tuned intuition, experience and skill. 

Book an appointment to get started.

Please fill in your contact details below and I will be in touch shortly to discuss your needs.

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